Brad Robinson, LMFT

I became a marriage counselor in part because of my parent's divorce.  They split when I was 4 years old and never really explained it to me. Later I learned it was because of my dad's infidelities.  

Their divorce opened me up to a lot of hurt and I don't want anyone else to experience the sort of pain I endured.  I also see how it has effected my parents even to this day.  The divorce was more than 20 years ago and my parents still talk about it like it was yesterday.

People think that divorce is just a one time pain.  That you get over it with time.  That's not the case.

Divorce is a life long pain for not only the couple, but their children, and their community. Think about this...if you are a part of a church or a community of friends your kids and their kids are likely friends.  Who your kids spend the most time with are, at the very least, influencing your kids. These kids will likely be the same kids yours will marry when they grow up.

So take care of your community and those you care the most about by working on your relationship. Encourage your friends to do the same because they really matter to your future and your kid's future.

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