We were desperately trying to survive an affair and even moved to another state in an attempt to end the affair and start over. When the communication with the other woman continued even after we moved, we decided to do the HBT Program.
What we found was safety with each other that allowed us to process through the trauma we had experienced. The program helped us get to the root of the affair and helped us process through what was on our minds and hearts each week. He helped us dig deeper than just the events or the previous 9 months. He helped us see triggers and situations that if left unresolved were like smoldering coals waiting to ignite into a wild fire.
As we became transparent and vulnerable, we began to see each other in a new light and healing began. It was mind boggling how many things we didn't know or understand about each other even after nine years of marriage. There was a point, about midway through our time in the program, in which we felt like we had met each other for the first time, only better.
One thing is both true and very surprising to us, from the very beginning, we have never regretted joining the program. We always leave our time with Brad encouraged by the idea of better things ahead.
It wasn't a quick fix but instead it was an open process that made us realize it was much better than any quick fix. Over time, we have developed tools we now use every day in our marriage.
Brad's instruction and the tools he has given us, have brought us to a place of emotional intimacy we never had in the first nine years of our marriage.
To say that Brad is an expert in marriage and emotional therapy isn't a marketing gimmick, it is the absolute truth.
We had heart change that wouldn't have come without his gentle yet effective direction and counseling. One of the first things we realized is that Brad has a calling to help marriages and he takes his calling very seriously.
From the beginning he made us feel like our marriage was the most important marriage he had ever worked with. The time and money required is more than worth it and has proven to be the best time and money we have ever spent.
We plan to continue because we know our marriage is worth the investment! We also know that our marriage is and will be a priority from now on.
Before Brad, we were on a path for history to repeat itself again and again or worse yet, our marriage completely crumbling.
After the HBT program, we are not perfect but we have a new connection that brings us a hope daily for a better marriage and a long future together.
Our perspective has changed and we firmly believe that every marriage needs this program to speak into it their relationship and encourage growth. We can't say enough positive things about our experience.”
- Anthony and Stephanie
“We came in blind and didn’t have any idea what to expect. What we found is incredible. ”

“We have four kids. They would have been forever negatively impacted by a divorce, but thankfully, my husband and I are happier than ever.”
“Brad saved our marriage—no doubt about it! Sounds crazy writing this but it’s true. Brad helped us realize the root cause of the affair. This allowed me to truly forgive—with understanding comes compassion and grace. He also taught us how to stop the negative cycle, how to work on our relationship, and how to maintain connection and intimacy.
““We’ve had the best conversations we’ve ever had since coming to the workshop. After each day [of the workshop], I actually felt better, which I was shocked by…and we were going on some vacation for our anniversary and we decided that this was more important…we almost didn’t do this, but I’m so, so glad we made that choice. It was the best choice.””

It’s a comforting feeling to know that we have something to look forward to every week that can make us feel like we’re not alone.
“It doesn’t matter how far into the group meetings anyone is, everyone makes you feel welcome. It’s a comforting feeling to know that we have something to look forward to every week that can make us feel like we’re not alone. Strangers become friends, and Stephanie always is inclusive with her own stories, vulnerability, and encouraging words. We can sincerely say that these meetings have helped us get through one of the toughest times in our marriage.”

I was not aware of how unaware I was, until going through this program.
The Healing Broken Trust workshop was objective, speaking to both roles we play as pursuers and distancers. ‘Why we do what we do’ was addressed and ‘why we feel what we feel’ was addressed as pursuers and distancers. It was helpful to hear from other couples experiences and make new friends in the same situation as us. It was helpful for my husband to hear what the characteristics the unfaithful have in common, and him hearing about limerence helped us leave the workshop knowing why the affairs had occurred.
The attachment theory information helped me understand why my role as a healer is so vital. It was very helpful to come in person and have some time just for us apart from the kids. The exercises we did brought us together. If we didn’t go we wouldn’t be together today. We’re 1000% better today than when we were before we attended. I’m glad we booked it when we were in a good place, because when we hit another down spot we had this program to look forward too. It’s only been one month, but the worst is now behind us. Thank you Brad! You’re amazing!

At the workshop you feel so safe, because you’re around people who truly understand and they can relate to your experiences.
I’ve realized at the workshop that if we didn’t come we wouldn’t have healed. Sure we might have stayed together but we wouldn’t be thriving like we are now. You can’t recover on your own. You need expert care. There is so much we learned we didn’t realize we were doing wrong. It was a place you felt safe to be vulnerable. There were so many tools at the workshop that we received and practically zero we’ve received from our couples therapist and individual therapists. Thank you Brad!
““The workshop’s been great. It has brought to light a lot that I was unaware of being married for 20 years to the woman that I’ve loved. There are many things that I need to work on as well as both of us as a couple. But it has definitely shed new light on why my spouse possibly did what she did, not saying that it’s okay, but there’s the beginning of knowing why” ”
“You have you deal with your problems. You can’t bury them in a box and let God take care of them. 14 months ago, if we had found you, we wouldn’t be where I am now”
“We were reminded of why we fell in love and why we continue to fight for the relationship”

“If you’re on the fence about joining the program just give it a try! It will save you time and money because you’re not making silly mistakes in the healing process.”
First Click the button
Join online by clicking the button. If you have questions beyond the FAQ section on this page please call, text, or use the chat at the bottom right of this page
Then Enroll
Once you pay the enrollment fee you’ll be granted immediate access to the online program.
Then Walkthrough
We’ll show you around the member’s area, schedule coaching calls, reserve a seat for the next workshop, and add your spouse to the members area.

Extremely helpful!!! Gives me direction that I’ve desperately needed. I’ve been shooting in the dark. Because of this workshop we reconciled. Thank you so much!
“It was a really smart move on our part to go to the workshop. It was helpful to hear Brad simplify complex concepts. I’d listened to all of your material but my partner hadn’t, and came away ready to restore our marriage. Hear from others situations really helped too.”

THANK YOU a million times over! The program was a godsend and truly saved us.
“We really connected at the workshop! We both agree our time at the workshop was the most positive I’ve felt since I discovered her affair. It was extremely helpful being around other couples too who had gone through a similar experience. We didn’t feel so alone.”

The group meetings have helped feel not so alone and supported every step of the way.
“I have been attending the Monday night couples group session for the past 6 months. It has been a great support for me to share my story and to receive advice and encouragement throughout my healing journey. It has helped me to not feel alone in my struggle and to see that what I’m experiencing isn’t unique, but to see that others are struggling also, just like me. Each couple on the call are at different stages of healing, so it has given me an opportunity to learn from others, but to also offer advice to help others. It gives me an opportunity to reflect each week on what has gone well or things we have struggled with. I appreciate the short lesson topics from the workshop to help me work on for that week. I appreciate being a part of the group for the support it gives me in my healing journey. Thank you.”

“Finally we’re on the right path. We were so lost and didn’t think we would make it much longer. I was really worried that this was going to be a replay of the podcast or material we’ve already heard. It was far far from that! I learned so much about my spouse during the workshop. I was afraid he would ask for a divorce. But instead he took my hand and told me what was really on his heart. I am so glad that we decided to come to the workshop and now we have a roadmap to follow and realistic homework for when we get home.”

“In the heat of the moment you need more than communication techniques. Especially when trauma is involved. I’m so grateful for Brad and Morgan”
First Click the button
Join online by clicking the button. If you have questions beyond the FAQ section on this page please call, text, or use the chat at the bottom right of this page
Then Enroll
Once you pay the enrollment fee you’ll be granted immediate access to the online program.
Then Walkthrough
We’ll show you around the member’s area, schedule coaching if you would like, and reserve a seat for you and your partner for the next workshop.