Traditional Marriage Counseling Doesn't Work

You read that right: traditional marriage counseling doesn’t work for healing infidelity. 

Lots of couples who come to our workshop found this out the hard way.

It cost them time and money but more importantly, it cost them hope. They were giving the most important time to someone who simply couldn’t help.  

The biggest open secret among therapists is they don’t know how to treat infidelity.  Surveys consistently show that marriage counselors do not feel adequately prepared for affair recovery.

What are traditional marriage counselors doing that is so damaging?

In marriage counseling the focus is on the marriage.  It’s very common that the affair is never even discussed at all.  

And like I said earlier most therapists are never taught how to heal broken trust.  That means if the affair is brought up it probably won’t go well.  The focus will still be on how to heal the marriage….but you’ll still be trying to heal with two broken people.

That is why we have devoted all of our time and effort to healing both people so marriage work can be done.

So what’s the solution? It’s a two-fold solution:

  1. Heal the affair first before looking at healing the marriage.

  2. Gain knowledge before wasting resources on counseling or coaching.

Why You Should Do This First…

It is so important for each couple to attend a workshop or master class BEFORE engaging in 1-on-1 therapy or coaching.

In our masterclasses and workshops, you get further in a shorter amount of time.

It would take a therapist months or years to do what would take you a few hours or days to learn in one of our programs.

Some of our clients have told us that they were even able to educate their therapist on the process. Others discovered that they didn’t need counseling after working with us.

Now that’s power. You can learn exactly what you need and importantly, what you don’t need before spending all the money and precious time.

Save yourself the costly mistakes.  It's time you finally heal your relationship after infidelity the right way.

Start your transformation today with one of our workshops or masterclasses