Friendship or Emotional Affair? How to Tell the Difference

Friendships are a normal and healthy part of life. We all need people outside of our romantic relationships who support us, make us laugh, and share our interests. But sometimes, a close friendship can slowly turn into something more—even without us realizing it.

Emotional affairs don’t happen overnight. They start off innocent—just good conversations, just inside jokes, just feeling understood. But over time, the emotional connection deepens, secrets start forming, and the lines get blurry.

Is The Friendship Actually an Emotional Affair? Here’s How to Tell the Difference

Emotional affairs are sneaky—they don’t start with big red flags. Unlike a physical affair, which comes with clear signs of betrayal, an emotional affair starts off feeling harmless. It might begin as a close friendship with someone who really understands you, listens when your partner is too distracted, and makes you feel appreciated.

But then, little things change. You start checking your phone more often, deleting messages, or feeling a little guilty about how close you’ve become. Before you know it, you're emotionally invested in someone outside your relationship, and your connection with your partner is slipping away.

Traditional Marriage Counseling Doesn't Work

You read that right: traditional marriage counseling doesn’t work for healing infidelity. 

Lots of couples who come to our workshop found this out the hard way.

It cost them time and money but more importantly, it cost them hope. They were giving the most important time to someone who simply couldn’t help.  

The biggest open secret among therapists is they don’t know how to treat infidelity.  Surveys consistently show that marriage counselors do not feel adequately prepared for affair recovery.

What are traditional marriage counselors doing that is so damaging?

In marriage counseling the focus is on the marriage.  It’s very common that the affair is never even discussed at all…  

When You're Not Married And Working Through Infidelity - Catherine and Joe

When You're Not Married And Working Through Infidelity - Catherine and Joe

It's been extremely helpful. Me, as the betrayer in the relationship, being able to work through the why on the other side of it has been extremely beneficial to better understand how past trauma has brought me to this point and has caused me to take actions to get us to this point, along with how to communicate better and to have a better emotional awareness and tools in order to get there. Because I think with better emotional awareness, both personally and in our relationship, we can talk through these things without getting to the point that we had in the past. So it's been life-changing, and especially for our relationship extremely beneficial…

Grow As We Go

We all know marriage is rough sometimes. Lots of highs and lots of lows.

Sometimes we may wonder if we made too many mistakes or maybe we shouldn’t be together.

We often hear people say “my partner needs to work on themselves before we work on our relationship”. They need to fix themselves before we can fix us.

One Simple Exercise to Get Your Spouse to Open Up And Be Honest

This is the magic question, right?

How do I get my partner to open up and be honest? Another word for honest is vulnerable….AND how do I open up and be vulnerable too?

It’s a pretty complex question because every relationship is different. Every person is different.  

That’s why we spend so much time helping couples do this in our Complete Healing Broken Trust Program.

But there is one thing you can do right now to break out of the rut and get your spouse talking and sharing their heart with you.

Ask yourself 2 questions:

  1. Do I critique my partner?

  2. Do I express gratitude?

Constructive Criticism?

We’ve talked about it in many different settings in our couples work.

We’re often met with the response but “I’m trying to help” or “it’s constructive criticism”.

But alas, all criticism damages the relationship.

Even if you’re trying to help your spouse it still sends a message of disapproval and can cause a partner to feel not good enough in your eyes.

The Most Powerful Position

When I think of this next part I always think of the “Hour of Power”…but in my head it sounds super silly.

We call it an “Attitude of Gratitude” and it’s one major key to mental health and life satisfaction.

But it’s also a huge key to marital satisfaction as well.

A little while ago we started a tradition of the bean jar.  

It’s where we try to catch our little kids doing something kind or caring for someone else.

Every time we saw them doing something kind they would get a hand full of beans in their jar.

And when the jar is full the beans magically turn into jelly beans (or some treat or something fun).

We mostly do this around Lent and Easter to help the kids focus on good and kind deeds.

But it’s a huge motivator for them.  They want to do good.  They want to find ways to be more helpful and kind.

The underlying nature doesn’t change as we age.

If your spouse hears how grateful you are for their help and for them…they will want to do more of that for you.

It softens them towards you.  And when that happens….

Vulnerability Becomes Possible

As I wrote that I thought to myself “voila” the culmination of everything is complete…

Ha!  We all know it’s much more complicated than that.

But that is a start.  

Cut out any criticism and start finding ways to express gratitude.

It will help you in all aspects of life.

How do I express myself and ask for things to get better without coming across as critical?”

Just ask Brad Robinson, LMFT. Brad is a marriage therapist who has worked with couples and families for more than 16 years, and has personally experienced betrayal in past relationships:

"I wanted to become the marriage counselor I wish my parents had after they completely lost hope after my dad was unfaithful.  I knew that what led my dad to stray could become a generational problem and I had to stop that.  When I discovered what couples really need when healing broken trust I knew I had to share it with as many people as possible.” 

Brad collaborated with his wife Morgan to create The Healing Broken Trust WorkshopTM, a specialized program that guides you through the chaos of healing individually and as a couple after infidelity has been discovered. 

Listen to the personal stories shared throughout this program and you will realize that you are not alone. The HBT Workshop helps you: 

  • Create fail-proof strategies with easy-to-use workbook

  • Prepare for painful triggers with your spouse

  • Work effectively to end the affair(s) and heal once and for all

  • Develop realistic hopes and expectations for your relationship using Brad’s exclusive methods

...and more. 

The HBT Workshop is just one of our award-winning couples programs included with The Complete Healing Broken Trust Package. 


One low price gets you full online access to ALL of the following programs: 

  • The Healing Communication Master Class

  • The Strong One’s Master Class

  • 90 Days to Affair Recovery Plan

  • Two Partners, One Path Support Group

  • Healing Hurts Lifeline Sessions with Brad

  • Healing Hurts Quick Start Guide

Get your online access today for a fraction of the cost of divorce. 

Add a 1-on-1 session with Brad at checkout and schedule your first coaching phone call today. 



Best time in our marriage - Deb S
“Finally we’re on the right path.  We were so lost and didn’t think we would make it much longer.  I was really worried that this was going to be a replay of the podcast or material we’ve already heard.  It was far far from that!  I learned so much about my spouse during the workshop.  I was afraid he would ask for a divorce.  But instead he took my hand and told me what was really on his heart.  I am so glad that we decided to come to the workshop and now we have a roadmap to follow and realistic homework for when we get home.” 

I finally understand my partner’s struggles - Liz 

"It is very isolating trying to keep our problems to ourselves and away from prying family and “friends”.  When you’re at home you hear your spouse tell you things.  They tell you what they want but you just don’t hear it.  It helps a lot to hear from other couples and people who are in similar situations.  I can understand my spouse so much better now just listening to other people’s situations.  I also don’t feel so alone.  I finally feel like we have hope.”

Thank you for my life back - Allie
"I have been trying different books and programs for our relationship for over 14 months now and I wish we had just started here from the beginning.  We spent so much on marriage counseling that didn’t make a lick of difference.  In fact, I spent more on useless junk than on this program.  Brad really understands how to help couples heal and I feel like we finally have hope for our future.  Thank you Brad and Morgan for our life back!”  

The future is bright - James R.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!  After I learned how to deal with the underlying problems Brad walks us through in the workshop I no longer had issues with the triggers I had before.  My wife can look at her phone without me loosing my crap.”

Not an AA meeting - Stella
"I was so worried this was going to be a ‘roast the betrayer’ type situation.  It wasn’t anything like that.  Brad is so gentle and caring in his approach.  We both felt cared about and heard through the entire workshop.  I never felt rushed or pushed into sharing anything I didn’t want to share.  I never felt put on the spot or shamed in any way.  He walked us through the difficult conversations and we truly feel the best we’ve ever felt.  We are truly grateful!”

We had to do it together - C.H.
"My husband is a sex addict and I thought addiction counseling was really what we needed to move past the hurt.  Kind of the old thought “if he fixes his issues we’ll be fixed and can move on”.  But it turned out he can’t fix us…WE have to fix us.  Yes, he needs addiction help but once the dust settled the hurts and old injuries bubbled to the surface.  I am so glad we decided to do this program in addition to addiction counseling.  It made all the difference in our relationship.” 

Understanding why was big - George
“I learned so many new things at this workshop.  I learned why my wife did what she did.  We were able to come away with clear direction and that gives me hope.”